We have deployed backend app and Phone search functionality code changes are not reflected on front end. Code has been added to Loading... in Private note.
Freshdesk Domain: tatadigitalsit.freshdesk.com App Name: ParentChild Backend App Last deployed Live version: 150
Hi @Raviraj,
We are suspecting because when we run it on local system it was reflecting encoded url but when we run it after deployment encoded url is not reflecting.
1.App ID:42419
2.File location path: escalate_create_04_07\app\AAI\aai-api-server.js
3.code change line: line 17
4.functionality: url with encoding for +91
@paritosh_jain I see the encoding %2B91%20 added in line 17 of your app.
What is the expected behavior?
What is actually happening?
What is your Node and FDK version during local testing?
If you are unable to see the actual behavior, you can add a log with the complete string and check if the code change is properly added and how is it being sent in the API request.
Res: Basically, we have to pass one URL encoded string in one API wherein we have to pass mobile number “+91 1344234234”. This is getting encoded and working fine on local but once we deploy, it doesn’t work.
Node and FDK
Will confirm but my question is this works on local why it is not work on server?
@paritosh_jain Still I do not clearly understand what you mean by “it doesn’t work”. But, I assume it would be that the encoding is not properly replaced while sending the API request in production. But, it is properly replaced on local testing with FDK.
Since it’s a frontend app, I also need your browser information to replicate the similar environment.
FDK is a simulation CLI that works like the production platform. If there’s an issue with it, we can fix it for smoother testing.
To acknowledge the issue, we have to replicate the issue on our end. I want to collect FDK and Node versions to replicate the same at my end and pass it to the relevant team if I am able to reproduce the issue.
If you are sure about the issue and would like to interact with the Freshworks platform engineers, please create a support ticket and the team can look at it and help troubleshoot and resolve the issue.