Freshsales : error 422 on account upsert api

Hello all!
I have this issue when trying to update a freshsales account via API. I am using upsert and it works for any other accounts but for the account 111ELY, this error shows :

data : {"unique_identifier": {"name": "111ELY"}, "sales_account": {"custom_field": {"cf_raison_sociale": "CLI TEST ET", "cf_numro_de_tiret": "52346248900015", "cf_numro_tva_intercommunautaire": "FR62523462489", "cf_type_client": "Client", "cf_commercial": "MAMMA - Mohamed Yacine AMMARI", "cf_commercial__sedentaire": "EMAUR - Eric MAURER", "cf_population": "INSTA - INSTALLATEURS", "cf_segment": "IG - INSTALLATEUR GENERALISTE", "cf_groupement": "IG - INSTALLATEUR GENERALISTE", "cf_secteur1": "IG - INSTALLATEUR GENERALISTE", "cf_march": "AUTRE -  ", "cf_type": "AIR - AIR", "cf_canal": "DI - Distributeurs", "cf_rgion": "PIDFCNE - PIDFCNE", "cf_agence": "PARIS - PARIS", "cf_remise_potentiel_tarif": "T5", "cf_origine": "A1 - Appel entrant", "cf_interdit_mailing": "true", "cf_actif": "true", "cf_rgimes_de_taxes_tiers": "FRA - France"}, "name": "111ELY", "phone": "111121314", "address": "IDF 3, Avenue Jeanne Garnerin  ", "city": "WISSOUS", "state": "PIDFCNE", "country": "France"}}
Request status : 422
Reason : Unprocessable Entity

Hi @Andonirina ,

Could you please share the request JSON?


I am using curl
This is the curl command : curl -H "Authorization: Token token=XXX" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"unique_identifier": {"name": "111ELY"}, "sales_account":{"phone": "000000000000"}}' -X POST ""

So this is the json data: {"unique_identifier": {"name": "111ELY"}, "sales_account":{"phone": "000000000000"}}

Notes :

  • The API key is correct. I just changed it here

Hi @Andonirina ,

Thanks for your patience. Apologies for the delayed response as we were occupied with Developer Summit and somehow this slipped through the cracks.

Is this issue still persistent?


Hi @Andonirina ,

Awaiting your input on this one. If no action is required I shall close this ticket.
