FreshService hideElement dueDateEdit being ignorated on ticket properties update

Hi guys.

First of all, y’all are doing a great work!!

I’m working on a Freshservice app that among other things hides the element dueDateEdit of the ticket on certain interface events. The app is working flawless except for 1 case: changing a ticket property (status in this case) and clicking update shows the dueDateEdit element back on the interface, ignoring any client.interface.trigger("hideElement", {id: "dueDateEdit",}); calls. Also, every call of this interface method raises an Error “undefined”, making the debugging process very painfull. My code is as shown bellow:

async function hideDueDateEdit(client) {
  console.log("algar hidding");
  try {
    const data = await client.interface.trigger("hideElement", {
      id: "dueDateEdit",
    return { error: null, data };
  } catch (error) {
    // NOTE: Always Raises "undefined"
    console.trace({ hideDueDateEdit: error });
    return { error, data: null };
  } dueDateEdit 

async function hideAll() {
  try {
    const client = await app.initialized();
    const { error: errorHide0, data } = await hideDueDateEdit(client);

    /*BUG: hideDueDateEdit Always returns Error(undefined)*/
    // if (errorHide0) {
    //   throw new Error(errorHide0);
    // }

    Object.values(EVENTS).forEach((eventsForHidding) => {
      eventsForHidding.forEach((event) => {, async (e) => {
          const { error: errorHideLoop, data } = await hideDueDateEdit(client);
          // BUG: same
          // if (errorHideLoop) {
          //   throw new Error(errorHideLoop);
          // }
  } catch (error) {
    console.trace({ renderApp: error });

For testing purposes, the EVENTS Object contains all interface events, and it’s defined as bellow:

const EVENTS = {
  APP_EVENTS: ["app.activated", "app.deactivated"],

A video of what happens when I change the ticket status and updates it:

Thanks in advance!!!

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