Hi @Juyeong_Lee,
It would also be helpful if you could describe what use case you are trying to solve broadly?
One way app can listen to update events is by ticket.propertiesUpdated.
document.onreadystatechange = function init() {
if (document.readyState == 'interactive') renderApp();
function renderApp() {
var onInit = app.initialized();
function getClient(_client) {
window.client = _client;
client.events.on('app.activated', onAppActivate);
function onAppActivate() {
client.events.on('ticket.propertiesUpdated', onTicketPropUpdate, { intercept: false });
function onTicketPropUpdate(event) {
// your business logic
// To allow ticket property to be updated
// to prevent: event.helper.fail('error message') and {intercept: true} at the call site.