Assets acknowledgement

I want to add an acknowledge action to the email that is sent to the asset requester, like the approval action, when the requester press on acknowledge , I want that action reflect on this asset ticket

Hi @Abdelrahman_Mohamed,


If you want to get an ack from the user after the asset got approved, you can send out a custom link that holds the information of the ticket, and once the link is clicked you can update the ticket field to “asset received” or you can add a custom tag to it.

This is what I have on top of my mind, it might be sloppy, but you can use this till you get an efficient one.

Thank you.

i want to do the same thing too. i have managed to set up a cloud function in firebase that will do this. but it returns error 404 not found when the asset id does indeed exist.

using a mixture of axios and the api, i get the error can i double check i am getting the api endpoint correct?