🚀 Calling all developers! We need your insights on Custom Objects 🚀

Hey there, amazing developer community!

We understand Freshworks’ users would be glad to bring in their unique business context inside Freshworks products. To gain a better perspective around it we’ve just launched a survey aimed at gathering your thoughts and inputs on Custom Objects.

It’s a really short survey and your participation will help us tremendously.
Take the survey :point_right: CLICK HERE

Why should you take a few minutes to complete this survey?

  • Your Voice Matters: This is your platform to be heard. Your insights and experiences are crucial in shaping the future of Custom Objects.

  • Continuous Improvement Through Feedback: We are committed to constantly evolving and improving with your feedback.

  • Product-Focused Approach: Your input can directly influence our product development, ensuring that we stay on the cutting edge and relevant to your needs.

Take the survey :point_right: CLICK HERE

Thank you for your time and insights – we can’t wait to hear from you!