Customise the the ticket list view page {% snippet ticket_list %}

The ticket list is limited in what is shown to the customer.

We have a requirement to be able to make the following changes, but can’t see a way of editing what is displayed by the snippet {% snippet ticket_list %} object.

Required changes are:

  • Ticket Type
  • Product Name
  • Swap Date Created to Last Modified

Here is the default view:

With a little bit of coding, here is what I can achieve, but this does not work with the filters or paging of the ticket list

How can we override the snippet content, or achieve a solution that works with these filters and paging of tickets?

Have you get a solution?

No, I am still hoping and waiting this becomes possible, or they improve the basic offering, e.g. adding a table view (vs Card view), as we have for agents, i.e. so it’s easier to see distinct data. This is possible in other ticket systems, e.g. Zendesk

Hi Matt,

I saw that you were able to customize and add fields to the “help-text” class underneath the ticket title (created by[name], at [company name], last updated [date].

I am interested in knowing how you were able to achieve this? Specifically the ticket last updated piece. If you wouldn’t mind sharing your solution for this, I would be greatly appreciative!


I only got it working superficially, but whenever any paging was used or filtering, the default ticket list style was restored. I did it more as a mock-up, it wasn’t a working solution.
There is no solution for this problem, and I had it confirmed two weeks ago that there is no customisation or core development option at this time, and nothing planned on the roadmap.

Gotcha, thank you for the reply and the insight. Much appreciated!