Forward ticket API issue

Dear channel,

Based on the product behavior, when a ticket is forwarded, the entire conversation should be forwarded to the recipient.

However, I have noticed that the Forward API is not behaving in the same manner, even when passing the “include_original_attachments” and “include_quoted_text” fields as true in the body.

Could you kindly assist me in resolving this issue?

@channel: Have there been any updates to the earlier question?

Hey @Anish,

Looks like the product team would be able to help with the API so I did create a Freshdesk support ticket created about this.

Anish reported that when using the ticket forward API, it is not forwarding the full conversation history and attachments, even when specifying to include quoted text and attachments. Only the initial ticket description is forwarded.

The agent clarified that the forward API is for forwarding just the ticket itself, not the additional conversations. There are separate buttons in the UI for forwarding a ticket versus forwarding conversations.

After some back and forth, the agent explained that the forward API mirrors the behavior of the “Forward Ticket” button, while the “Forward Conversations” button is needed to forward the conversation history.

Anish confirmed understanding this distinction. The conversation focuses on the specifics of the Freshdesk APIs and intended behavior, without including any sensitive information.