Freshworks developer support for private discussions

Topics created in the developer forum will fit categories based on the topic type and area of focus. Some of the queries may require more insights, including your Freshworks products account information, Marketplace apps identities, and other sensitive data you cannot share publicly.

What to do for the queries that need private discussions?

We, the moderators of this forum, can create a Direct Message with the related parties to have a dedicated private discussion if required.

Please find the following categories that belong to the private conversation. The rest of the queries can stay as public topics on the developer forum to benefit the community in the future. :smiley:

  • Account-specific queries that would involve exposing private information, such as issues with app publishing, or Paid-app payment-related asks.

  • Questions specific to your app reviews. (Not general app review queries and know-how.)

  • Developer partners and resellers’ communications regarding projects and paid apps.