Hide values of a field


We have requirement to hide few values of a dropdown fields from the agents. Does Freshworks provide any API for hiding few values of a dropdown field?

Thanks in advance,
Sateshsoundar N.

On which page do you want this to happen? On the new ticket page?

You might be able to do this through an app that uses interface methods on the new ticket page

The setOptions method might be what you need. The method allows users to display specific values in a drop-down list; all other values will be hidden.

Hope this helps

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there is already an app available which does exactly what @Mattia_Piparo mentioned:

So you may not need to develop by yourself.

Unfortunately, there is nothing for hiding values in the Ticket List View (so you could bulk update tickets with these values) and for scenarios (an agent could make a scenario which uses the values you don’t want to be shown).
