Highlights: Freshworks Huddle, August 2020! 🎉🤾‍♀️

Developers are the heartbeat of any community, making the developer ecosystem engaged is critically vital to the success of any platform or technology.

Now that world will stay entirely virtual for a lot while longer, our plans for hosting a developer event had to move virtually. We hosted our second huddle of the year on August 25 & 26, 2020, Filled with announcements, play-along sessions, community updates, icebreaker quizzes, music.

Yes, We did it again! All virtually🥳

  • We had 60 + registrations

  • 60 unique Attendees from both days

  • 39 Live attendees.

The best part is, these 35-39 developers stayed throughout the event duration on both days.

A big shout out to Marllon Mainardes, Samuel Pares from Loupen & Rajeswaran from Spritle for providing an informational and vibrant Minnal talk session.:tada:

We would also like to thank all the volunteers who participated in live coding and, last but not least, the participants who made this event possible with their presence.

Congratulations to all contributors who have received their rewards, and I hope to see more contributions in the future. I would also like to encourage other community members to take part in future events and engaged in all the community activities.

Will catch up soon with another developer event.:butterfly:

Cheers to the Freshworks developers🎊