Issue in customizing the submit a ticket page

I am looking for understand the option for customizing the portal’s submit a ticket page. currently our requirements are to design the page more interactive and more user friendly And i am unable to get access of these snippets {% translate ticket.submit_ticket_title %} , {% snippet new_ticket_form %} . help me if it is possible to fully customize the page.
Thank you.
Burhan Mansoori.

Hi everyone,
I am unable to get solution of my problem i am struggling for a long time in this problem.
please look into this or set up a call if possible.

Hello @Burhan_Mansoori

I am a FD user aswell, so no professional support here, but I can give a liitle insight, how we made it.

We have customized the submit ticket page via Javascript on page load.
So this snippet is a part of what we have in our page:

    jQuery("#helpdesk_ticket_custom_field_cf_order_reference_2055607").live('change', function(){

With this, you cannot directly manipulate the snippets, but customize them after page load.
On top of that, multiple forms is a new way to customize the ticket form.
Read more about it here.
It may be, that it has to be activated as it isn’t rolled out to everyone yet.

Hope that helps a bit.


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