Unable to load options in select dropdown dynamically

Hi Team,

I’m building an application in the ticket details page modal and trying to populate some dropdown fields from which I get the options from the API.
But the options parameter is not working and appending the options to the select. I’m using crayons v4 and trying to render in a modal in ticket details page


<fw-select id="billings" placeholder="Select your option" label="Verrechnung" required="true"></fw-select>


let billings = parsedResponse?.data?.map((obj) => ({ value: obj?._id, text: obj?.normal }));
var populateBilling = document.getElementById("billings");
populateBilling.options = billings;

Is there something I’m missing in this? Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @mohammed

I don’t think that has ever worked. I had to destroy and rebuild the select each time I wanted to change the options dynamically.

Hello @RobAtOpinyin

Thanks for your reply. I saw this issue and found out that it had been working. I’m not sure is it because of v4.

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