I have a third party service accessible from ngrok. My FreshService application’s request methods throw “Error in establishing connection” error with 502 status.
I am running the FreshService app via fdk run command and this problem does not occur when I pack the app and test it as a custom app.
I can assure that the ngrok is not broken and accessible via the same browser window where I have FreshService logged on.
This is how I call the API,
This is the requests.json template,
This is the log trace when I make the request,
2024-10-08 20:19:49.559 +0530 [debug] (e[34mrequest.jse[0m) e[31mMaking request with options as {"method":"GET","url":"https://7591-202-0-112-207.ngrok-free.app/api/1.3/desktop/discover","headers":{"DC-Integ-Param":"Freshservice","User-Agent":"Freshservice"},"body":null,"maxAttempts":1,"retryDelay":0,"timeout":15000,"skipHeaderSanitize":true}e[0m
2024-10-08 20:19:49.566 +0530 [debug] (e[34mrequest.jse[0m) e[31mrequest came back with error as connect EBADF[0m