Access Denied Configuring SSO

Hi, can somebody please help me.

I have setup a custom policy for only my contacts. (Agents policy is working great).

When i use the custom URL created as part of the policy
(https://<client_id>, I get the following error: {"error":"access_denied","error_description":"Access Denied"}


By any chance do you happen to have any insights to help @Stephen_Lears here?

Hi @Stephen_Lears ,

When you are trying to access the custom policy URL, client_id and redirect_uri are the mandatory query parameters that needs to be passed. So the url will be like


The values for these params will be given by the products for which the custom policy was created.

@Saif Please help them get these values from the products team.

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Hi @Stephen_Lears

Would you please let us know which product you are working with? I see it’s over 15days. Do you still need help?