API for custom module in CRM

How to access the custom modules data by using APIs.

I created a custom module → name: deal module, In this module, some fields are there, I want to access this custom module’s data.

is there any APIs to GET and POST data for the custom modules?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Hi @balanagendra

Welcome to the community. You can refer attached postman collection for custom module APIs to perform CRUD Operations.
CRM- Custom modules API v1.postman_collection.zip (1.3 KB)

Please note that the “cm_cpq_document” is the name of example custom module in this collection. You should change that with the name of your custom module.


we are struggling while implementing the PUT & POST methods

can you please provide the documentation for these APIs?

see the error in the below image.

Hi @balanagendra

I see different Id in URL and Request body for the document. While updating the record the Id must be the valid record id in the system.

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These custom modules are connected with the deals, then this custom module is shown in the deal details section, then I filled the custom module. it shows the data like in the below image, I want to fetch the custom module data on the deal details page.

And then I want to update these custom module data into the deal fields in satisnet section on the deal details page. see the below image for understanding more.

Please provide API regarding this issue.

Thanks for providing support.

is there any update on this?

Thanks freshworks.

Hi @balanagendra

My apologies however unable to understand the use case for custom modules here.
If the requirement is simply having deal level attributes then we can add them directly as custom fields to the deal.

If you want to update the deal attributes when custom module record is created or updated then please use product events such oncustommodulecreate to perform the update on deal attributes.