App Crash caused by RuntimeException inflating ConversationDetailActivity xml layout

​We’ve seen a couple of app crashes which seems to be caused by opening a FreshChat conversation.

Please a sample crash log (truncated unfortunately it seems):

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.mydomain.myapp/com.freshchat.consumer.sdk.activity.ConversationDetailActivity}:android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #36: Binary XML file line #6: Error inflating class

This is on an Android device using version 5.0.5 of the sdk.

We call FreshChat this way:


Please advise. Feel free to let us know if you need more info, thanks!

Edit: fwiw we’re not using Proguard.

@vt84764 This issue can happen if you are trying to customise SDK via theme and parent style does not match the customised element.
Please refer customisation sample app here

Thanks for the quick reply @Muthukrishnan_Suresh !

Unfortunately, we are not using a custom theme (not overriding Theme.Freshchat.SelectedTheme).

Is it possible that there is a resource conflict without implementing a custom theme?

Also, FWIW we cannot replicate the crash locally so it seems like it happens only on certain devices.

Ah, if this can not be reproduced, it will be difficult to fix.

Anyways, could you share us your

  1. styles.xml
  2. your apk or If app is listed in India, playstore link will work.
  3. Crash details and device details from crashlytics or other crash monitoring tools

I will see if I can reverse engineer and find the cause. If not, I will create a tracker for this and update whenever we fix this.

Ah, if this can not be reproduced, it will be difficult to fix.

Not a problem, thanks for looking into it @Muthukrishnan_Suresh!

  1. styles.xml file can be found HERE
  2. I am not allowed to share an apk unfortunately
  3. Details of the 2 occurrences of the crash can be found HERE

Thank you!