Hi @kaustavdm Since this morning our app is broken with this error
index-e608b2e3.js:2698 TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier './fw-spinner.entry.js'. The base URL is about:blank because import() is called from a CORS-cross-origin script.
at eval (eval at Ye (p-b70efe44.system.js:1:21976), <anonymous>:3:1)
at loadModule (index-e608b2e3.js:2714:12)
at initializeComponent (index-e608b2e3.js:1924:20)
at index-e608b2e3.js:2074:32Preformatted text
Just noticedd that my application is still in draft and wasn’t published with the fix and i can’t update it anymore can you pleas fix that so i can push the update ?
@Santhosh We had to update the CDN in a hurry this morning. sorry to ask but is there a chance to see our updated validated soon because we did no more change to the code except the CDN we do have people working with our app and having it broken is not good for our image thanks in advance
@msenhaji The app was submitted on 1st of April, 2022 and the submission was cancelled on the same day. Hence the app remains in draft state. If an app submission is cancelled the app will be in draft state.
Kindly resubmit the app and check if the app state is changed to under review. Please let me know if you are facing any further issues.
Understood. Let us know on this thread if the review hasn’t cleared soon enough. If not, we’ll still need the specific information I requested earlier.