Cannot associate software to assets that have asset type of VMware VCenter Host or VMware VCenter VM


Using the application installations API, we are getting errors like the following:
Error (HTTP POST (/api/v2/applications/16000304666/installations/) Error 400: {“description”:“Validation failed”,“errors”:[{“field”:“installation_machine_id”,“message”:“The asset which corresponds to this ID: 54245 is not a computer asset”,“code”:“invalid_value”}]}

We found that these errors were occurring when the asset in Freshservice had an asset type of VMware VCenter Host or VMware VCenter VM.

We have also found that even the UI does not allow you to associate software with assets of these types.

We created an asset of asset type VMware VCenter Host.

On the left side menu, there is no “Software” item.

If you try to add this asset to a software, an asset with this name cannot be found.

We created an asset of asset type VMware VCenter VM.

On the left side menu, there is a “Software” item. However, if you try to add this asset to a software, an asset with this name cannot be found.

Is this an issue that the VMware VCenter Host and VMware VCenter VM asset types do not allow software installations?


It seems like any asset type under Cloud in the asset type hierarchy does not allow you to create software installations for it.