Cannot pack custom application with low coverage

Previously, when using FDK version 9.1.1, we can pack our application with low coverage as we are not uploading it to marketplace but as a custom application.

However, after upgrade to 9.1.2, the SDK won’t allow the application to be packed with coverage lower then 80%.

Is it now mandatory for any type of application to have more than 80% of code coverage to be able to submit into Freshdesk?

We need to apply the urgent fix but the update of the SDK is blocking it.

The FDK enforces a minimum code coverage of 80% for apps to be submitted to the Freshworks Marketplace. This is to ensure the quality of apps available in the marketplace.
However, if you’re developing a custom app and not planning to submit it to the marketplace, you can bypass the code coverage requirement by using the below command
“fdk pack --skip-coverage”
This command will create a zip file of your app without checking for code coverage. Please note that this should only be used for custom apps and not for apps intended for the marketplace.

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Thanks for the reply. It help us to successfully pack the application.

Previously we have noticed the option for skip the validation but fail to find the option for skip coverage from both the documentation and the SDK help.

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Hi @Lance,

You can skip the code coverage requirement for custom apps and to test public apps while packing the app. This is added in a recent launch and yet to document it.

Use the following command to skip the code coverage while packing the app.

fdk pack --skip-coverage

or in short,

fdk pack -s

Code coverage of 80% is required for public Marketplace apps. So, do not skip the coverage when submitting for the Marketplace. The app will be rejected in the review if the code coverage is insufficient.

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Thank you for the clarification.

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