Changing Device42 listing from SDK App to External App

Hi, Device42 is currently listed as an SDK App. How do we change it to an external app?

@SharonRose @nirmal.kumar for visibility

One can fairly build a web application and submit the URL from the App Submission Portal. The External app can consume Freshservice APIs as necessary.

See “External Apps” in this wiki page: App review process and listing apps on Freshworks Marketplace

This looks like the generic process for listing an external app on the marketplace for the first time.

Is the process the same for switching an SDK app into an External App also? I’m asking since I was told that there’s a way in which we can change an already listed SDK app into an External App.

@Raviraj @kaustavdm requesting your help here please.

Is it possible for you to recollect more details about how part of it?

If it’s already a external app, to some end it’s possible to be embedded as a iframe within Freshworks app. But vice versa could be harder to do because… all the technical problems that app uses platform features to solve doesn’t exist in external app. So it should be treated seperately.

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