Server Method Invocation (SMI) feature allows you to build frontend apps that invoke a serverless component. This session will discuss why you need SMI and when to use it in your serverless app. Join us live on Thursday, 25th August at 2:00 PM CET to explore the feature and learn from fellow developers in the community!
Server Method Invocation - A Serverless take on Remote Procedure Calls
Shravan Balasubramanian - Senior Software Engineer at Freshworks (Follow Shravan)
25th August 2022
5:30 pm IST (India)| 2:00 pm CET| 1:00 pm GMT (London)
Check your time zone
- What is SMI, and why do you need it?
- How to get started with SMI registration
- How to invoke SMI functions and essential things to remember about SMIs
- How frontend apps invoke SMI functions, and the response is handled
- When to and when not to use the SMI function
- Demo/Sample use case
- Q&A
What’s in it for me?
- To introduce SMI and further explore when to make use of it in your serverless app; also understand when not to use the function
- If you are already familiar with SMI - It will give new perspectives on how and when to use SMI better in your serverless app to solve that most challenging business use case
- If you are not - It will introduce you to the power of SMI and will inspire you to build apps that make use of it
You can also have your question ready beforehand, as we have a live Q&A during the session, where our fantastic DevExperts will be answering all of your questions.
Can’t attend live? You should still register. We’ll share the recording after the session.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the next event!