Custom multi-pages installation page on FreshDesk


I want to implement the multi-pages installation page on FreshDesk where each page will present each step.
For example,

  1. When the user clicks on the install button, display a form with the “Next” button
  2. When the user clicks on the “Next” button, display another form with the “Next” button … and so on
  3. After the user finished all the forms and information, the App can be installed.
    Is there a way to do it? Because now I see the “Install” button is showed default on the installation page. Do you have any suggestions for this?

Thank you very much,
Nhat Nguyen

Hi @Nhat_Nguyen,
You will see the install button but there is a way to install the app only if you finished all the forms,
eg: you can return false in validate() method until the form is getting finished, such that app won’t be installed until you finished all the forms, once you finished all the form values you can return true in the validate() function

I hope it helps :slight_smile:
Let us know if you need further information on this


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