Custom object limitations

Hi there!

Please give the solution ,we are create a custom app in freshdesk based custom object.

  1. Is there any limitation of number of records created in a Custom object for
  2. how many request api send per minits in a custom object record(429 API breach Limit) ?
  3. Limitation of character length in a custom object paragraph field?


Hi there!

please response the question for very useful the custom app .

Hi @Annalakshmi_Manivasa,

I hope you’re asking about the Entity Storage feature of the platform.

  1. Here are the limits:
    1. Entities: Maximum of five per app.
    2. Fields: Maximum of 20 fields (attributes) for each entity.
    3. Records: A maximum of 10000 records for each entity.
    4. Record size: Maximum of 100 KB per record.
  2. Yes, Entity storage has a rate limit of 250 operations per minute.
  3. All the fields, including the paragraph field, support up to 100 KB in size each.
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@Annalakshmi_Manivasa Here’s the limits if you requested for Custom Objects feature in Freshdesk.

  1. Here are the limits:
    1. Custom Objects: Maximum of 20 Custom Objects per Freshdesk account.
    2. Fields: Maximum of 100 fields per Custom Object.
    3. Associations: Maximum of 5 associations per Custom Object.
    4. Filterable fields: Maximum of 25 filterable fields per Custom Object.
    5. Number of records: The documentation does not mention this number. Please contact Freshdesk support to find out.
  2. The overall API rate limit applies to Custom Objects as well. Please refer to the rate limits according to the customer plan. You can increase it per customer account by contacting Freshdesk support.
  3. Character limit on Paragraph custom objects field: Again, not documented. Could you contact Freshdesk support to find out if there’s a limit?

Only for Enterprise plan users is the Custom Objects feature available.

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@Annalakshmi_Manivasa I have got an update from the Freshdesk team on the following queries:

  1. Limits
    5. Number of records: You can create any number of records. There’s no upper cap to it.

3.Character limit on Paragraph custom object field: 64K characters