Custom Source fields not showing when retrieving all ticket fields

Hi Everyone,

In the searching we have done to retrieve ticket source fields for dynamic ticket creation, we noticed that our own created sources do not show up from this request: https://{{domain}}

        "id": 103000407716,
        "name": "source",
        "label": "Source",
        "description": "Ticket source",
        "position": 4,
        "required_for_closure": false,
        "required_for_agents": false,
        "type": "default_source",
        "default": true,
        "customers_can_edit": false,
        "customers_can_filter": false,
        "label_for_customers": "Source",
        "required_for_customers": false,
        "displayed_to_customers": false,
        "created_at": "2022-11-10T16:17:07Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-02-13T08:55:46Z",
        "choices": {
            "Email": 1,
            "Portal": 2,
            "Phone": 3,
            "Forum": 4,
            "Twitter": 5,
            "Facebook": 6,
            "Chat": 7,
            "MobiHelp": 8,
            "Feedback Widget": 9,
            "Outbound Email": 10,
            "Ecommerce": 11,
            "Bot": 12,
            "Whatsapp": 13

We are looking for one that is going to be “SMS” but it does not show, is there a different request we need to make in order to get the custom sources?

Hi Jonathan,

From the docs, I don’t see source is part of the payload for GET /api/v2/ticket_fields. But, I see that any custom fields are returned with cf_ prefixed to the field’s name.

The other thing to look for is the type field. You should be able to fetch tickets by field type using GET /api/v2/ticket_fields?type={{type_name}}, e.g., GET /api/v2/ticket_fields?type=custom_source.

Let me know if that helps. Otherwise, we will forward this query to the Freshdesk API team.


Hi @kaustavdm, thank you for the reply. I have not had any luck figuring this issue out yet. I have already tried that request, here is the request https://{{domain}} with the response:

    "description": "Validation failed",
    "errors": [
            "field": "type",
            "message": "It should be one of these values: 'default_subject, default_requester, default_ticket_type, default_status, default_priority, default_group, default_agent, default_internal_group, default_internal_agent, default_source, default_description, default_product, default_company, custom_text, custom_paragraph, custom_checkbox, custom_number, custom_date, custom_decimal, custom_dropdown, lookup, nested_field, encrypted_text, custom_date_time, custom_file, secure_text'",
            "code": "invalid_value"

custom_source is not listed in expected values. I tried most of the type values to test different results but i have not been able to find anything that returns me the custom sources.

Thank you for your time

Thanks for the update, Jonathan. Let me bring this up with the Freshdesk team.

The conversation is between Jonathan and a support agent from Freshdesk regarding an issue Jonathan is facing with retrieving custom source fields via the Freshdesk API.

Jonathan reported that when trying to retrieve all ticket fields, custom source fields are not being returned. The agent suggests using a different API endpoint that includes /admin, but that also does not work for Jonathan.

After some back and forth, the agent suggests using the /ticket_fields endpoint instead of /ticket_fields/admin, but it’s unclear if that resolved the issue.

The conversation spans multiple days with some follow up emails from the agent. Eventually the ticket is marked resolved by Freshdesk without confirmation from Jonathan that the issue was fully fixed. The summary focuses on the technical issue and steps taken to troubleshoot, without including any sensitive customer information.

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