Error 403 when calling the project tasks endpoint

I am successfully retrieving projects using the project API endpoint. When I attempt to retrieve each project’s tasks using the project task endpoint, I get a 403 error which, according to the API documentation, indicates insufficient permissions.

I have not experienced this with any other endpoint calls.

The URI I am using is /api/v2/projects/projectid/tasks.

I have account admin and project manager roles.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks for reporting this Doug. If you already have necessary permissions, and I see you can consume the other endpoints that require same permissions but not this one. I suppose this can be a account-specific problem, hence I put you in touch with the Freshservice team to take this further.

Make sure you are using API_KEY:X, not API_KEY or API_KEY:NULL for authentication:

Service Desk API for Developers | Freshservice

Using API_KEY or API_KEY:NULL works for every API endpoin except projects. Been burned :fire: here as you might imagine. I reported this to support as well, but it’s tough to argue it’s wrong when that is how they tell you to authenticate in the API docs. :thinking: :person_shrugging:

Thank you both for your replies. I found the problem. I hadn’t formed the URI correctly (was missing “pm”). It’s working now.

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Is there no way to mark a topic as closed or resolved? It doesn’t appear I can go back and edit the original topic post to indicate I no longer need help.

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