Error in OAuth : Missing required parameters refresh_token

Hey team,

I have installed a custom app on my Freshteam instance and have configured the OAuth as described here:

where do i add the refresh token parameter?

Please help. Adding screenshot of the error

@shivangitripathi ,

Do you see this problem when you locally simulate your app too?

No Saif,

In local it gives me the error intermittently that access token could not be refreshed.

I added a few parameters in oauth config as custom headers

“access_type” : “offline” , “prompt” : “consent”, “grant_type” : “authorization_code”

it seemed to have solved the problem but still the error comes up intermittently. Clearing the cache and reauthorizing solves the issue
Not sure what is going on!

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Since it’s been quite a while, did you by any chance happen to notice the problem to be solved? Would you still need to clear the cache and reauthorizing?