Error response: "Invalid URL - Must be FQDN"


I’m facing an issue with substituting the Freshdesk URL stored in the iparams.json file in my app.js file. I get the error “Invalid URL - Must be FQDN”. Could you let me know how I can use the iparam key in my app file?

iparams.json file:

app.js file:

Hi @Leah_James,
Can you please share with us the Iparams value which you are storing in the freshdesk_domain key?


Hi @Leah_James

Please use the API key type must be “api_key”, don’t use “text”.

refer link : click here

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Hi @Leah_James,

The correct use of the Iparams for domain and API key is depicted below

"domainName": {
    "display_name": "Domain Name",
    "description": "Please enter your domain name",
    "type": "domain",
    "type_attributes": {
      "product": "freshdesk"
    "required": true
  "apiKey": {
    "display_name": "API Key",
    "description": "Please enter your api_key",
    "type": "api_key",
    "secure": true,
    "required": true,
    "type_attributes": {
      "product": "freshdesk"

Kindly use the same. If faced any difficulties kindly revert back to the same thread.


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Hi @Leah_James ,

Is this issue addressed with proposed changes? Do let us know if there are any other issues.


Apologies for the delay, I was away. I made the changes you mentioned and it did work(thank you!) for a time but now I get the following error. Could you please help?
“Domain or API key is not matching”

iparams.json file:

Hi @Leah_James ,

Glad you tried the changes. The Freshdesk Domain and API Key need to be the valid account with proper credentials. I believe you have created a Freshdesk account, if yes then the domain name need to be taken from account URI (like freshworksXXXX from, and API key need to be taken from user-> profile settings → Your API key (like 0uiscnksjNcKSNdssouds). If the provided details are valid then it will get resolved.


Hi @Thakur_Ganeshsingh

Thank you for your reply. I’ve tried adding the domain and API key of 3 different accounts but the error is still displayed. Is there anything else I could check?

In the Terminal, I get the following message.

When I run “npm audit fix”, I get the following.

can you please share with us the n/w (HAR) logs?
to investigate further,

and before making sure to add the whitelisted domain in the manifest.json?


Hi @Santhosh

Thank you. I whitelisted the domain as seen below.

HAR file:
ProductIdAppHARfile.har (1.1 MB)

@Leah_James ,
Good Day,
I had looked into the HAR file and there is an error (This domain has not been whitelisted) in the n/w logs.

can you try with whitelist the domain like

"whitelisted-domains" : [ "https://*"]

and try again?



Sure, I’ve whitelisted as you suggested but the issue persists-

HAR file:
ProductIdAppHARfile-2.har (1.5 MB)

As per your HAR Logs still, it is showing the domain has not been whitelisted.
If you don’t mind, Can you please share with us the to investigate further?


Hi @Santhosh, I have no idea how but the error disappeared on its own and now I can install it. Thank you for your help.


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