Facing Issue while generating integrity hashes for the freshdesk cdn and public app got rejected with this issue

Hi Team,

I need to add integrity hashes for script and link tag in my iparams.html. i generated integrity hashes for script tags but i trying to generate integrity hashes in SRI Hash Generator
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://static.freshdev.io/fdk/2.0/assets/freshdesk.css" />

for this url i’m getting error in SRI Hash Generator which is shown below in screen shot.

Can anyone help me to sort this issue because my public app got rejected with this issue.

Hey Durga,

Could you try once again with maybe some other browser?
I tried and was able to get the sha-256 encoding.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.freshdev.io/fdk/2.0/assets/freshdesk.css" integrity="sha256-yGD6NZDtklj+RcWtp0wcnUX7lNVz6S0rpZ6bea/6IX8=" crossorigin="anonymous">

Hope it helps :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey Mohammed,

Thanks for the update and I’m getting same URL not found issue for the below link while generating SRI Hash. Can you please check this from your end.
<script src="https://static.freshdev.io/fdk/2.0/assets/fresh_client.js"></script>

Hi @Durga_Devineni

You can find the solution here

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