Fdk pack is not working with latest version fdk 9.0.8

We have updated the FDK CLI to the latest version 9.0.8.
npm run build is working fine, and got compiled. But when using fdk validate and fdk pack, we are getting the following warnings with no errors but the app is not getting packed or validated.

When using 8.6.7 fdk version, the app got packed even with warnings.

Can you please help for packing the app using fdk 9.0.8.

cc: @Saravana_Kumar_R @Abhijith_V_S

Hey @Sheik_Firoza,
When updating to FDK 9, please ensure that you follow a clean installation of FDK due to some older dependencies it may cause issues.

Can you do a clean install of FDK 9 by uninstalling the current one?

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