Freshchat custom app not visible/available for installation development
One of the customers using Freshchat, reports that the app is not displayed in developer portal as well.
Before proceeding with publishing, the customer wants to confirm whether the app will be visible to the entire Freshworks or if it will remain private and accessible only to their team.
They are still in the development and testing phase and want to ensure that the app is not exposed to the public at this stage. They want us to confirm if publishing the app will make it available globally or if it will remain inaccessible?
The customer also added that - For Freshdesk and Freshservice was not necessary to do that, they simply appear after running local the “fdk run”, why is that?
They want to test the full flow of their app, more specifically iparams functionality when trying to install the app not just the “http://localhost:10001/custom_configs”