Freshchat customer name

Hi all,

In Freshchat, we have used the web widget feature. When a customer sends a message using the web widget, it appears in the Freshchat inbox with a random name. Is there a way to change the settings so that when a logged-in user chats in the web widget, it will appear in the inbox under their username?

Thanks in advance,
Sateshsoundar N.

Hi Sateshsoundar Namasivayam,
If you use freshchat’s embed web widget you can use methods like these:

// Copy the below lines under window.fcWidget.init inside initFreshChat function in the above snippet

// To set unique user id in your system when it is available

// To set user name

// To set user email

// To set user properties
  plan: "Pro",                 // meta property 1
  status: "Active"                // meta property 2

Then you will need to add a script that passes the information of the user logged into the website to the web widget

Hope this helps!