Freshdesk - Issue with Interface API (Unable to set value for “from email” on reply click)

Hi team,

Im facing difficulty with the Freshdesk Interface method in setting up value for “from email” on reply click. Im getting the success response but the “from email” value is not getting populated. I’ve attached the code screenshots for reference.

Can someone help with resolving this ASAP?


Hi @shobana ,


I too faced this issue. In my case, I tried to update the “To” field but received a success message, and it was not updated. It seems that “From” and “To” are not working as mentioned in the documentation, but “CC” works fine.

A possible explanation could be that, if you observe the ticket detail page UI, you can update only the CC part, not the From and To fields. This might be the reason, but I’m not entirely certain. Just suggesting a possible explanation.

If I’m wrong, can someone please help us figure it out?

I am sure you can adjust the from email as there is this marketplace app, which we use without problems:

Maybe this app already helps with your usecases and you don’t need to create anything on your own.

Maybe the app is too fast, as it needs a bit to load the reply editor?
Or maybe you already have another app running, overwriting what you put in after you successfully put it in?

Just a few guesses, best

Hi @shobana ,

Could you please check is this added email address already configured and verified in the account email channel settings?
Only the configured mailboxes can be used in the From email address in replies and notes


Thanks for your reply, the email is already configured and verified in the account email channel settings yet it is not getting replaced.

Can you help with resolving this ASAP?


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