Freshservice Custom App Development Skillset

Hi Folks,

Creating this topic to get an idea on what exact skill set is required to build freshservice custom application.


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Hello @Umar , it really depends on what application you are looking to build. But at a minimum you should be familiar with web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The Freshworks Developer Platform uses these technologies in custom apps. Luckily, now you can start your journey using Freddy Co-pilot for developers, this leverages AI assistance in how to implement these technologies to solve business use cases. Lastly, if you are looking for a low/no-code solution you could leverage the Uiflow platform. There are many ways to get started. It all starts with an idea of what you would like to build! Hope that helps :blush:

@Zach Thanks for the response. However, UiFlow is live for everyone? I dont see an option to build app in UI flow.

I’m sorry @Umar I thought it was still available. However, I am also not able to figure out how to get back to the platform. The last time I used it, it was in beta. Perhaps it was never made generally available. Maybe someone on the DevRel Team can help us out.

@zach_jones_noel @kaustavdm @Raviraj any idea what happened to UiFlow as an option for no-code/low-code development?

Hello @Umar here is a blog post from UiFlow that showcases building an app for freshservice. At the bottom there is a link to schedule a call with UiFlow where they can onboard you to using the platform to build freshworks applications. Hope this helps!

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Hi @Umar and @Zach,

The Uiflow low-code application was provided in beta. We have stopped the beta program and are not opening the Uiflow platform to build low-code applications for Freshworks anymore.

Thanks, Zach, for explaining the prerequisites to build Freshworks apps. It still stays true.

Now, the Freddy Copilot for Developers is available leveraging Generative AI to help developers build Freshworks apps faster through different features available right in the Visual Studio Code where you would be able to write code for your application.

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