Getting a PLATFORM error on a Custom App

I am making a Freshdesk App, this app works fine in dev mode.

Unfortunately, when I run fdk pack on the exact same code and upload it as a Custom App, I am getting a js error:

"status": 500,
"errorSource": "PLATFORM",
"attempts": 1,
"message": "Error occurred"

Because this is a PLATFORM error and not an APP error, I believe this is from the Freshdesk side and I don’t have any visibility into what’s causing it.


I get this error when invoking a template request:

const response = await client.request.invokeTemplate('getTicket', {
      context: {freshdeskTicketId: freshdeskTicketId},

in requests.json:

    "getTicket": {
        "schema": {
            "method": "GET",
            "host": "",
            "path": "/api/<%= context.freshdeskTicketId %>/",
            "headers": {
                "Authorization": "Bearer <%= iparam.myKey %>",
                "Content-Type": "application/json"

The template works fine when using fdk run

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Hi @cdmaven ,
From checking the request template “getTicket”, getting a specific freshdesk ticket details is the use-case I understand. But I see some issues with the path you have mentioned. It should have been

"path": "/api/v2/tickets/<%= context.freshdeskTicketId %>",

You can find the Freshdesk API doc reference here -

To check the part where it worked in the dev mode and not while uploaded as a custom app, this template should have returned 404 even in the local testing since no such path exists. It would be helpful to debug further if you could share the app/ code section where this case is reproducible.

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Did it work when app makes API call with


Good day!
As @rahul said, you need to use the correct API path, and if it is working in the local,
can you please share with us the HAR logs and the app zip with us to validate what is wrong?


Yes it did. worked fine with fdk run

We just shared the zip file and HAR file with

Since we need to collect few details regarding the URL scheme and our ability to reproduce the issue in production, I will send you a private message and iniate a discussion.

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