How can I trigger contact update/create event from custom serverless app


I am trying to call freshdesk APIs from my serverless app running locally.

I am not sure how I can trigger the event locally or from the freshdesk portal.
I have tried dev=true to the portal, it does not work i.e. when I create a contact in freshdesk portal, it does not trigger the “OnCreateContact” event in the locally running server less app.

I am trying to run it from test server available locally.I am not sure what would be the API Key/header for the local test server.
Here is my code -
Triggering from local server -

            headers: {
            json: {
               description: 'Test Description for contact'
        ).then(() => {
'Contact updated successfully');
        }, error => {
          console.error('Contact updation failed');

I am getting an error -
{ code: ‘invalid_credentials’,
message: ‘You have to be logged in to perform this action.’ },
attempts: 1,
errorSource: ‘APP’ }

For testing from portal,here is the code:

          payload.iparams.freshdesk_domain + "/api/v2/contacts/",
            headers: {
              Authorization: "Basic <%= encode(iparam.freshdesk_api_key) %>"
            json: {
               description: 'Test Description for contact'
        ).then(() => {
'Contact created successfully');
        }, error => {
          console.error('Contact updation failed');

But the event does not trigger.

please suggest how to connect to portal to test the event and how to test locally.Thank you

Good Day!, Welcome to the community!
please follow the below steps to test serverless events locally

Hope it helps :slight_smile:


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