How do you search a ticket by subject?


Is there a way to filter tickets by their subject?
Something like /search/tickets?subject="x"

I’ve tried this request and the app states there’s an invalid parameter. I can’t find another way around it… But since the native search box of the platform can search by subject, this should mean it’s possible, no?

Thank you!

Hello @Jose_Cruz ,

what platform are you using? Freshservice or Freshdesk?

Personally I use freshservice and in the filter api
the subject field isn’t supported.

If you really need to search by subject, you could evaluate a custom field with the subject at ticket creation. It doesn’t sound like a pretty solution.


I’m currently developing for Freshdesk.
The use case is very simple really, I want to implement a search box that will filter tickets based on their subject. It’s extremely important for it to be a fuzzy finder, so if a ticket subject is “86 - Text”, I want to be able to search for “86” and get it.

Hey @Jose_Cruz , did you happen to get any solution or workaround for this ? I would second the suggestion by @Michele , that’s how we can do as of now.