How to get sales_activities and appointments for all users from Freshsales APIs

I am trying to get sales_activities and appointments for all users from Freshsales-suite APIs. I am using both APIs but I only get the sales_activities and appointments associated to my own user ( I am using my own API Key). From UI I am able to generate/export the information for all users. But using APIs, it only returns the ones I am the creator for.

Is there a way to get this information for all users/owners through APIs?

I also have a problem with the endpoint for sales_activities. I have two environments and in the oldest I get zero response and in the newer version I get the last 10 but no more.

After investigating a bit more based on your input I realize it is the same for me. I only get those that are created by the same user as the API-key. That is not the case in other endpoints which makes this an odd behaviour.

This is exactly what I have faced, for all other endpoints it returns the data associated to all owners or at least I can use filtered_search endpoint to get what I need. but this is not the case with sales_activities and appointments.

I was wondering if there is a way to get around this. It surely won’t make sense to use API keys of all users :slight_smile:

Hi @Sayad_Xiarkakh and @henrikhargedahl

For custom sales activities, we have the below cURL which can fetch activities of all users and not only the activities of the user whose API key is being used,

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token token=api_key' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

For tasks and meetings, we do not have a similar API at the moment. For them, API response will only contain the activities of user whose API key is being used.

An alternate solution for tasks and meetings is to create a data export in analytics which can be fetched using API,


Thanks! This solves my problem.