How to solve cors error while calling external event from external webpage

Hi Team,

Case 1:
I want to send post request to send data to my freshdesk app from my external webpage. I registered my webpage url in webhooks inside onAppInstall event function and generated Target url to make post request.

Case 2:
I have one button in my website. when i click that button. i want to send data to my app so i call onclick event to send data by post request

Note :
I send data to my app from pipedream via post request. i can receive the data inside onExternalevent function

I get cors error while send data from my website to my freshdesk app

This is my event handlers

This is my onclick event function



Can I get some support on this please?

Hello @Kithiyon

I would like to believe this expected if you try to invoke a request from a webpage on domain to a domain URL. Our webhook URLs aren’t designed to work around CORS limitations on a browser. They are expected to be used from a backend service where CORS does not apply.