I have this key in my webhook. How can I authenticate my webhook payload in node js app?

I have this key in my webhook. How can I authenticate my webhook payload in node js app?

Hello Abdullah. Welcome to our community :tada:

If I understand your question correctly, you are trying to run an app that makes a POST call to this webhook and you are trying to authenticate the request on third party side?

Can you probably add a code snippet to help me understand better?


Hi @abdullah.tiulal,

Here’s a screenshot of the payload that you will receive in your webhook.
It will contain the Authentication under request header in the name of x-freshchat-signature.

Your NodeJS app will need to access the request header in order to get this value.
You could then check if the value that you receive in the header matches the value in your webhook configuration in Freshchat Webhook settings.

Hope this helps.


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