Industry field for account shows up as 'string_cc3' in the changes list onCompanyUpdate payload

The Industry field for account shows up as ‘string_cc3’ in the changes list onCompanyUpdate payload

This is what I get when receiving onCompanyUpdate

    "id": 69000203947,
    "name": "SAFR Cable Pullers",
    "description": null,
    "domains": [],
    "note": null,
    "created_at": "2021-03-05T12:35:41Z",
    "updated_at": "2021-03-09T01:20:41Z",
    "health_score": null,
    "account_tier": null,
    "renewal_date": null,
    "industry": "Automotive",
    "changes": {
        "string_cc3": [

As you can see, the change to Industry is reported as:

        "string_cc3": [

This is easy enough to work around but seems like a bug and makes for less readable code.

Hey @stevemc,

Thanks for the feedback, we’ll make sure it’s been passed on to the product teams and will keep you posted about the updates in this thread.

Stay Safe :slight_smile: