Informing users about meaning of Impact and Urgency fields?

(Hope this is the right place to post, say so if not)

We are looking for a way to inform customers creating tickets on our FreshService portal about the meanings of the different levels of Impact and Urgency while they are raising a ticket.

My first idea is to make a tooltip when mousing over the dropw down values, like so:

But maybe somebody here has encountered a similar requirement and has found a workaround method? Currently we just have a solution we link to that explains it all, which means of course a lot of people do not look at it. Would love to hear if any of you have come across a similar requirement.

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Hey @Marko glad to see you brining this question over to the developer community. This community has a wealth of knowledge on how to tweak the platform to work in unique ways. I am sure if there is a way to solve this business problem with a UI change, you will find that guidance here. Best of luck!


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Good Day! Welcome to the community
Correct me if I am wrong, the status dropdown is from the product ticket details page and not from the app, right?
if yes, we can’t do anything on this upfront.

Hope it helps :slight_smile:


It is from the requestor new ticket view, not sure what the correct naming is.

But we have solved this another way rather than using tooltips, I’ve copied over the steps I posted in the non-dev community:

  1. Create custom drop down fields for Impact and Urgency in Admin > Field Manager > Form Fields.
  2. Add a sentence long description of what each level of priority means to your company.
  • Just as the example earlier in this thread, you could e.g. set the Impact values to:
    • I can still work fully while you’re fixing this
    • I can find a way to stay productive until this is fixed
    • I can’t work until you fix this!
  1. Go to Admin > Business Rules, and add rules to change the default Impact/Urgency fields.
  • The template for my rules:
    • Requestors on New Forms
    • Condition:
      • Ticket Forms.CustomImpact is I can still work fully while you’re fixing this
    • Action:
      • ​​​​​​​Set options for Impact - Low
  • Did this for each Impact and Urgency level, so 6 separate business rules.
  • Also it is only for requestors, so agents can still change the impact/urgency to any level on the edit form.
  1. Then to make it look better for agents I hid the default Impact/Urgency fields on the edit form with a 7th business rule.
  • Agents on New Forms
  • Action:
    • Hide Impact, Urgency, Priority.
  • This one you might want to do the opposite, that you hide the customer oriented fields for Agents. We are going to try it this way for now.
  1. And the priority matrix handles the rest :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for noting down the solution in detail, @Marko :trophy: :purple_heart:

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