Intercept method - event.done() throws error

I’ve been working on an app for Freshdesk, the app got submitted and it’s in the testing phase. Which, if the user updates the status of the ticket, I intercept the flow and validate a few things. if validation fails il throw an alert else ill let continue with the flow.

To continue with the flow I’m using event.done() which is a fresh work method. Im getting some errors when that line executes. It didn’t happen so far, as a regression I got this error. the code I changed doesn’t have any relation with the code im getting error. Not sure why I need help on this.

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Can you please share with us the error you are getting while intercept method?


here is he screenshot


instead of this can you try with event.helper.done() method
as described in the document also please look into this sample app for more reference



Hi @Santhosh I was using event.helper.done() & only

can you share with us the console error if you have any and possible share with us the code snippet to debug further

Shall we connect if you have time?

Kindly schedule an office hours call with us to proceed further
