Hi Guys!
I can see that there is a plan-wise restriction for using entity storage in platform version 2.3.
Does this still apply to 3.0, or can we build apps with entity storage for all plan users?
Cause I can’t seem to find these plan-wise restriction Notes in 3.0 docs.
Thank you.
Would anyone like to add anything to this?
(Raviraj Subramanian)
June 13, 2024, 11:43am
Hi @Bene_Immanuel ,
The plan-based restriction for Entity Storage feature usage is also applicable for apps in platform version 3.0.
The note has been missed in the documentation. We will update the documentation with this restriction information.
Thanks for your feedback!
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Thank you so much for your reply, @Raviraj .
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June 19, 2024, 5:59pm
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