@tejakummarikuntla We have developed an application for the Freshworks marketplace. Most of the customers have around 300 tickets created/updated per minute. Those ticket details need to save in another product.
We would like to know for this case any charges that we need to pay. This application is going to handle the large volume of data from Freshdesk and Freshcaht to the end system.
So please helps us on an immediate basis. We shall also connect on a call to understand this in detail. Could you please share your slots for the day and email id for the same?
Looking forward to it and Thanks for the undersatnding.
Great, we’d need to learn more about this @ajithr. Since it is a platform request which needs internal assistance, we can better communicate on this over a dev-assist ticket.
Can you quickly raise a dev-assist ticket here: Freshworks
P.S: Describe the usage in the Justification field of the Service item.
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