Is there any way to find if a ticket is deleted permanently?


Is there any way to get notified when a ticket gets deleted?

Thank you.

You can setup a ticket automate to do this. A
Event block should have a ticket is deleted option if I recall correctly.

Hi @themedic,

Thank you for your response.

Could you elaborate on this?

Any doc link?
I need to be notified when a ticket is permanently deleted or restored.

Thank you.

I misspoke and wasn’t at my computer when I responded initially; sorry for the delay. After looking, you can set an event as Ticket is deleted but not permanently deleted in the workflow automator for tickets (see below).

Any tickets that are deleted go to the trash for 6 months, then get permanently deleted. It doesn’t look like analytics gives the ability to filter out items that are in the trash so as an alternative, you could setup a scheduled tickets weekly/monthly to check the trash for anything that’s about to be permanently deleted. Otherwise you’d need to write some sort of custom application which runs daily, checks for last updated date AND a deleted value for true in the ticket details via the API (See my example below) then sends an email or creates a ticket with the tickets that are in scope.


Hi @themedic,

Thank you for your response.

So, we can use the timer module in the Automator to notify me after 6 months.

Then I have a couple of questions on top of my mind.
Is the automation capable of notifying us after 6 months?
If we use the placeholders, will it be able to get the data even after deleted?

Thank you.

Yes, you could set a timer for something like 50 days (remember at day 60 it gets deleted) and it should notify you but I would test it to be sure. I’m not sure if automations run against tickets in the trash or if anything moved to trash causes automations to stop after that step.

Your notification can include any placeholders you like. Something like this for example in an email notification to a group.
"Hello! The below ticket is going to be permanently deleted in 10 days. After 10 days, the contents will no longer be available.
