Issue Creating Ticket with Attachment - JSON


I am trying to create a ticket with an attachment and am having an issue with the attachment segment. The return I am getting is 400: Bad Request. The file does exist already at the time of sending the request.

Everything works fine until I add the attachments segment. The documentation only shows a curl example. Does anyone know how the properties are for the attachments segment if using JSON?

“ticket”: {
“email”: “”,
“cc_emails”: [
“subject”: “Test”,
“description”: “API Test Please Delete!”,
“priority”: 2,
“status”: 2,
“source”: 2,
“urgency”: 2,
“impact”: 2,
“custom_fields”: {
“customer_ticket_nubmer”: “12345”,
“product”: “Test”,
“product_category”: “Test”,
“product_family”: “Test”
“attachments”: [
“uri”: “file:///C:/Users/dcormier/Downloads/export.csv”,
“type”: “text/csv”,
“name”: “test.csv”

Hi @dcormier ,

Hope you’re doing well!

The curl command in the documentation works as expected. You can try using it in Postman by adding the following command:

curl -v -u yourapikey:X -F "attachments[]=@/path/to/attachment1.ext" -F "attachments[]=@/path/to/attachment2.ext" -F "" -F "subject=Ticket Title" -F "description=this is a sample ticket" -X POST ''

The command should work fine since the body is sent as form data (due to the attachment).

For more details, you can refer to this documentation adding attachments:

Please give it a try and let me know how it goes!

Hope this helps.


To continue with what Anish is saying.
The attachment needs to be a file stream as part form-data of the request

Looking at your JSON - it’s not the JSON for a create ticket request. You have it wrapped with the key of 'ticket'. So I don’t know if you are sending this to a language-specific library.

For better help try to give us all the information. What language or tool (curl,postman,…) . Show us some simple sample code that demonstrates the issue.

As Anish says - start with the ‘curl’ command and go from there.
Curl will show you the headers and form data as well.

Sure @Christian_Brink ,

I hope you can convert the code into Postman by clicking the code icon next to the share button and then selecting the appropriate language from the filter

In the meantime, please find a sample Node.js request method below:

var request = require('request');
var fs = require('fs');
var options = {
  'method': 'POST',
  'url': '',
  'headers': {
    'Authorization': 'Basic {api_key}'
  formData: {
    'attachments[]': {
      'value': fs.createReadStream('postman-cloud:///1ef48d99-5a64-4660-86de-29b2a0810735'),
      'options': {
        'filename': 'postman-cloud:///1ef48d99-5a64-4660-86de-29b2a0810735',
        'contentType': null
    'email': '',
    'subject': 'Ticket Title',
    'description': 'this is a sample ticket'
request(options, function (error, response) {
  if (error) throw new Error(error);

I hope this is helpful!