Hi Team,
I was trying to use Freddy Copilot AI. However, when I attempt to generate an API key to access Freddy AI Copilot for Developers from my Developer account, the “Generate API Key” button is disabled. Kindly refer to the screenshot below.
Hi Team,
I was trying to use Freddy Copilot AI. However, when I attempt to generate an API key to access Freddy AI Copilot for Developers from my Developer account, the “Generate API Key” button is disabled. Kindly refer to the screenshot below.
@Pavithra Apologies for the delay in reply,
Developer Copilot API key can be generated by Org Admin. Is it possible for your org admin to generate API key and share?
Good News though! I am working with my team to enhance the access so that any registered user can get access to Developer copilot and generate key. That should be deployed by this week. I will inform here.
Thank you.
Hi Neeraj,
I was able to get the API key from the organization admin.
I have installed Freddy Copilot in Visual Studio and created a sample app successfully.
However, I am facing an issue with the migration feature.
Kindly refer the below screenshot.
You don’t have to use chat feature for migration.
We have a dedicated feature “AI-Assisted app migration” that can migrate app and suggest code changes across whole code base. Its available on FDK version upto 9.2.0.
Please let me know if you are facing any issues.
I have tried to click the App Migration but its now showing any options.I have attached a video.Please refer that.
Does the app migration helps to migrate app from 2.3 to 3.0
Yes it helps to migrate any 2.x app to 3.0.
Thanks @Pavithra_Selvaraj for sharing the video. I can see the issue. Typically migration gives a VSCode notification if there is some issue.
Have you blocked any VSCode notifications?
Also, Can you help me with following :
Finally, as I can see FDK 9.3.0 on the video. Is it possible for you to try migration on FDK 9.2.0 or below? Here are the steps :
npm uninstall fdk -g
rm -rf ~/.fdk
npm install
@Pavithra were you able to resolve this issue?
@Pavithra_Selvaraj were you able to solve the problem?
Hi Neeraj,
Sorry for the late response.
I have installed FDK 9.2.0 but am still facing the same issue.
I am using Windows 11 and currently trying to migrate a custom app from platform version 2.3/2.2 to 3.0. These custom apps use third-party APIs, and based on the response data, the CRM fields are updated.
@Pavithra Apologies for the problem you are facing. This is unusual.
Can I setup a call with you coming Monday? Please let me know what time works for you?
I will have the Engg team on call and we will try to find the root cause and fix this issue.
Sure. I am available on Monday from 11 AM to 3 PM onwards. Please schedule accordingly.