Issue with "ticket.groupChanged" on New Email Page


I am writing to report a bug concerning the “ticket.groupChanged” event handler, which is malfunctioning on the new email page (location: new_email_background). When initially invoked, it correctly returns the new group; however, subsequent changes result in a return value of NaN.

This issue does not occur in the ticket_sidebar location, where the event functions as expected. For your reference, I have attached a video that demonstrates the bug in action:
Vidyard Recording?

I have also attached the relevant code for review. (30.1 KB)

Thanks for sharing the details, Samuel. Let us try to reproduce the issue and get back to you.

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The values passed as arguments by the product ( events method in new ticket page) are all undefined. Allow me some time to get the product team’s attention. I will keep you posted.

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Verified the bug. I created a ticket with engineering team on this email thread (you should be able to access) : Email Thread

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