Issues on updating custom source

Hi Everyone,

  • Am facing an issue while updating some custom sources (Ecommerce, Forum, MobiHelp) in the ticket fields , updating the ticket using Update Ticket API call.


enable ebay for ecommerce


Please confirm, if we integrate the Ebay in FD instance, using API the source can be updated to Ebay?

Forum & MobiHelp
forum value is not matching with source values
mobiHelp value is not matching with source values

Here it’s not possible to update Source as Forum, MobiHelp?



  • And also am not getting the custom source values which is created manually by an agent while getting it from List All Ticket Fields API, Is it possible to get those source values???

custom sources in my instance

custom source is not included while getting the data [custom source, ss]

It’s been a week from now and still didn’t get any update on this?

Could you please provide a solution for this topic?

Good Day!
Sorry for the delay in responding,

let me check with the product team and get back to you at the earliest


Setting eBay as a source is possible only if the account has eBay integration enabled. Even then, it is most likely to be set while creating a ticket from eBay communications.

Mobihelp was being used for tickets created using a retired Mobile SDK. It is no longer being used.

Setting the source as Forums is also internal to tickets that are converted from the Freshdesk account’s forum topics.

Can you try hitting the Show Ticket field API for full list of choices

Here is the list of sources you cannot use directly:

  • Forum
  • Outbound Email
  • Bot
  • Whatsapp
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • eBay
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